Black Sunflower Seeds
Black sunflower seeds are a highly nutritious option for various types of garden birds, such as Greenfinches, Great tits, and Coal tits.
Black Sunflower Seeds are highly sought after by a wide variety of common garden birds. They are most enjoyed by birds that can easily remove the outer husk, revealing the delicious sunflower hearts inside. These seeds are perfect for using in tubular seed feeders and are preferred by many seed feeder visitors, including finches and the tit family. However, they are not recommended for softbill birds like robins and blackbirds - we recommend using our Premium Sunflower Hearts for these species.
Suitable For Feeding: Tits, Finches, Sparrows, Dunnocks
Available in: 2kg, 4kg, 8kg, 16kg
Size Price Per kg
2kg £4.89 £2.45
4kg £8.79 £2.20
8kg £15.49 £1.94
16kg £29.99 £1.87